Do I need a Fractional Engineering team?

How do I know if my company could benefit from a fractional engineering team?


Are you having difficulties with engineering in your business? Are you struggling to justify paying the cost of full time experienced engineers? If so, you may want to consider a fractional engineering team. Fractional engineering teams are composed of experienced engineers who can provide the technical know-how needed to keep your business running efficiently.


In the case studies that we have come across, we have seen smaller companies struggle with their engineering teams. These companies typically have some or all of these characteristics:

·        $1-$10 million annual revenue

·        Design and manufacture their own physical product

·        Motivated to grow in their market space

·        Are not yet at the point where they need full time engineering services


Here are a few of the struggles these companies have:

·        Struggle finding experienced and effective engineers

·        Their team of engineers are not moving projects forwards due to lack of expertise/experience/effort

·        May have worked with a third party design house, but struggled thru the project, and have no support on the back end

·        Have product ideas, but struggling to keep up with existing production, so can’t afford to put resources towards the growth

·        Don’t have resources for full time experienced engineers


Fractional engineering teams offer a number of advantages to businesses:

·        broad experience base to support your company

·        cost efficient (fractional)

·        on demand resource as your project volume/work load changes

·        vast network of resources in the industry

·        more invested in your company

·        results focused

·        team orientated


At Lukka Group, we really want to provide a difference to small design and manufacturing companies by providing our technical expertise at a fraction of the cost. We are extremely passionate about our cause and hope to work with you in the future!


What is a Fractional Engineer?